

With emacs and gnus, one must serve a long penance, after which shit still doesn’t quite work but you’ve achieved a deep symbiosis with your editor/mailer and can tailor it to your very precise needs. Reddit Read more...

From Thunderbird to mu4e and back to Thunderbird

I spent a couple of days configuring Emacs as an email client in my MacBook. There are lot of useful pages available on how to achieve this. The setup involves using a program like mbsync or offlineimap to create and maintain a local copy of your emails accounts on your computer, and installing and configuring an email client like notmuch or mu4e in Emacs. (Never could get OAUTH2 to work with mbsync so I had to settle for custom app passwords. Read more...
emacs email mu4e mbsync

Doom Emacs, Hunspell, and MacOs

Doom Emacs uses spell-fu as the default highlighter for spellchecking. spell-fu can use several options like aspell, hunspell, enchant, etc. for the actual spellchecking. I prefer to use Hunspell. The process to install and configure hunspell to work for Doom Emacs is simple: Use homebrew to install hunspell: $ brew install hunspell hunspell doesn’t install dictionaries. Download them from the aspell webpage and store them in ~/Library/Spelling. Check that hunspell is recognizing your dictionaries. Read more...

Remove GRUB from MacOS boot partition

I’ve got Linux on an external SSD drive which I can boot from my Macbook Pro using Command-D while powering up to select Linux as the boot drive. The only glitch is that when installing Linux, by mistake I installed GRUB (Linux boot loader) on my Mac root partition. The easiest way to fix this is to boot the machine into repair mode using Command-R and reinstall MacOS. This won’t erase your data or applications, just reinstall the operating system and rewrite the boot partition. Read more...