Cubr is a program by Chris Baker. You mix up a Rubik’s cube, show it to your computer’s webcam, and magically the cube begins to solve itself. Read more...
Nice article by the lengendary Michael Abrash: Why virtual isn’t real to your brain. Before delving into technical detail, he shares some reflections on how sharing information probably helped him early in his carrier land a job at Microsoft, then Id, and more recently at Valve. Read more...
Nowdays I develop mostly on OSX using Python. I am particularly fond of using virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper for keeping separate environments for each project, so that the system’s Python distribution does not get contaminated with the project dependencies. (This also helps in having a clear set of library dependencies when deploying the project to a production server.)
Some days ago, while trying to set up a development environment1 for OpenERP v. Read more...
Thirteen years old Amy Mather explains how she got in programming, why she loves it, and her implementation of Conway’s Game of Life for the Raspberry Pi. Read more...